Norwalk, CT Exit 14N or 15S: Play is serious business at this award-winning children’s museum, for children ages 1-10 or children at heart.
Throughout the year Stepping Stones plays host to exciting exhibits created by other museums. Broken? Fix It! a thought-provoking traveling exhibit that focuses on changing the way we view too many things in our lives as disposable rather than fixable.
This hands-on exhibit designed to encourage problem solving and critical thinking skills. All ages will learn how to make simple repairs on everyday items including flat bicycle tires, to broken dishes and dolls in need of patches. Children and adults will work together to diagnose the problem and determine a repair process with a large variety of fix-it opportunities. And don’t forget to confess previously undisclosed accidental breaks in the “Truth Booth” – a great way to get that weight off your chest.
In Energy Lab® you can explore the waterfalls, funnels and water wheels, wind tunnel, or cranks, levers, air tubes and blowers which set balls and objects into motion. Try to hit the bulls eye with an air pump. In Build It! put on construction clothes and finish walls, apply carpeting, wallpaper or shingles or make an arch with blocks. Express Yourself is about social and emotional learning. Act out your feelings on camera in a TV studio. Become part of a video game where you appear or disappear magically on-screen.
While most museums are in the business of look but don’t touch, Stepping Stones Museum for Children is an exciting change of pace for kids and adults alike and opens your child’s world to a lifelong love of learning.
Location: Stepping Stones Museum for Children, Mathews Park 303 West Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06850
Exhibit Date: Until Dec 31st
Hours: Tues – Sun, 10 – 5 pm
Tel: 203 899 0606
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