New Zealand: Cambridge – New Fangled Hangi Meal, New Zealand
By glenda. Filed in Food, History, New Zealand, Travel |Traditionally hangi, as the Maori meal is often called these days, is made with fish, chicken and root vegetables such as kumara (sweet potato). Nowadays, pork, mutton or lamb, potato, pumpkin, cabbage and stuffing may be included. Traditionally it is cooked in a pit in the ground and the result of a 3-4 hour process is tender, off-the-bone meat and delicious vegetables, all infused with a smoky, earthy fragrance. Nowadays, new-fangled ovens produce the meals more easily.
Tags: cabbage, Cambridge, chicken, cloth, cooked, earth, earthy, fish, flax, food, fragrance, grill, ground, Hangi, heat, hot stone, infused, kumara, lamb, leave, Maori, Maori meal, meal, meat, mound, mutton, New Zealand, new-fangled, off-the-bone, oven, pit, pork, potato, preparation, process, pumpkin, root vegetable, sights, sightseeing, smoky, stone, stuffing, sweet potato, tender, tour, tourist, tradition, traditional, travelblogger, vegetable, wet