Treblinka Death Camps – Cosmos Tour
By sandra. Filed in Cosmos Jewels of the Baltic Tour, Europe, Uncategorized |There were 2 Treblinka camps in Poland ruled by Ivan the Terrible. In 1943 there was an uprising in the camp where 200 prisoners managed to escape. 60 survived the war.
Hitler wanted no traces of the camps and had them destroyed. However there were 800,000 bodies buried in mass graves, and that was evidence, so prisoners were forced to dig them all up and burn them so there would be no trace of them.
3,000,000 Jews and 3,000,000 Poles, about 1/4 of the population of the country, were killed in the war. Exterminations included not only Jews but gypsies, homosexuals, people who helped Jews, Communists and any enemies of the Reich.