VA Exit 177B: Christ Church’s (1767) fame rests on the fact that both George Washington and Robert E. Lee worshipped here. In the front left, notice Washington’s pew (#60) – the only one remaining in its original double configuration. Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee (# 46 on the right) was married to Washington’s step-great It is a tradition for each President of the US to visit here at some point during his administration, usually on a Sunday near Washington’s birthday (Feb 22). Tours are given. 118 N. Washington St., Alexandria. Tel: 703-549-1450. Christmas Services: December 24: 3pm Holy Eucharist, 5:30 pm Holy Eucharist (Auditorium), 5:30 pm Festival Eucharist (with 20-min. organ prelude), 8 pm Festival Eucharist (with 20-min. organ prelude), 10:30 pm Festival Eucharist (with 20-min. organ prelude); Tuesday, December 25: 10 am Holy Eucharist. |
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