George Washington’s Church for the Holiday

VA Exit 177B: Christ Church’s (1767) fame rests on the fact that both George Washington and Robert E. Lee worshipped here. In the front left, notice Washington’s pew (#60) – the only one remaining in its original double configuration. Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee (# 46 on the right) was married to Washington’s step-great granddaughter, Mary Custis. Regular congregants refer to the chapel’s geography as the Lee side or the Washington side. Notice an original boot scraper outside the door (Washington side). Perhaps one of these gentlemen used it.During the Civil War, Col. Orlando Willcox of the Union Army wrote of Washington’s connection to the church, “There I could almost feel his imposing presence…”.

It is a tradition for each President of the US to visit here at some point during his administration, usually on a Sunday near Washington’s birthday (Feb 22). Tours are given. 118 N. Washington St., Alexandria. Tel: 703-549-1450. Christmas Services: December 24: 3pm Holy Eucharist, 5:30 pm Holy Eucharist (Auditorium), 5:30 pm Festival Eucharist (with 20-min. organ prelude), 8 pm Festival Eucharist (with 20-min. organ prelude), 10:30 pm Festival Eucharist (with 20-min. organ prelude); Tuesday, December 25: 10 am Holy Eucharist.

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