St. Marys, GA Exit 3: – Imagine an attic full of personal memorabilia of many submariners, and you get the feel of this homey museum.
The St. Marys Submarine Museum gives visitors a real feel for life aboard a submarine. The museum’s 5,000 square feet of exhibition and displays feature real and working shipboard equipment. A ship’s control panel, ballast control panel, periscope, and working sonar panels give exciting visuals of the interior of a submarine.
At St. Marys Submarine Museum a wide variety of Submarine artifacts, memorabilia and information are available for viewing. You can see early submarine designs (pig boats) right up to nuclear ones, consoles, a working Type-8 periscope, listings of boats built and lost in WW II and tons of command plaques.
For the truly addicted, submarine movies play all day, and you are invited
to read actual files of each U.S. submarine or support commands. More than 99% of all WWII Patrol Reports and their command history files are here (even previously classified documents); these are not usually seen by the average person or submarine veteran.
Location: St. Marys Submarine Museum, 102 W. St. Marys St., St. Marys, GA 31558
Hours: Tues-Sat 10am – 5pm, Sun 12pm – 5pm
Tel: 912-882-2782
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