Great Backyard Bird Count on Feb 20th

Bring the whole family to this event put on by the Teaneck Creek Conservancy, where vistors of all ages can  help count the birds.

The bird count, organized by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the
National Audubon Society, is now in its 13th year.
In 2009, tens of thousands of backyard birders in the United States and Canada joined the numbers game.

In New Jersey, more than 1,600 New Jerseyans tallied 165 species and 445,161 birds ­ including 177,000 snow geese.

Teaneck Creek Conservancy
20 Puffin Way, Teaneck. NJ
Peggy O’Neill (201) 868-5829 or Don Torino (201) -636-4022

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