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Italy, Florence: Ponte Vecchio Fountain

It makes sense that a bust/fountain on the Ponte Vecchio would be of a sculptor and goldsmith, Benvenuto Cellini. Cellini did not have any connection with the jewelry shops on the bridge, which are there today because when he was alive, butcher shops lined the bridge. The artist, in a shout out to Cellini, used motifs taken from the pedestal of Perseus, Cellini’s masterpiece. The inscription on the monument states: “To Benvenuto Cellini ­ Master ­ The Goldsmiths of Florence.”

Italy, Florence: Florence’s Bronze Doors to the Gates of Paradise

Florence’s Baptistry of the Duomo is renowned for its three sets of artistically important bronze doors which have relief sculptures. The south doors were created by Andrea Pisano, and the north and east doors by Lorenzo Ghiberti.

It was Michelangelo who gave the East doors their fame, calling them “the Gates of Paradise”. The 17-foot-tall gilded doors, weighing 4 1/2 tons, are casts of the original doors created in Ghiberti’s 15th-century workshop.

The Italian poet Dante Alighieri and many other notable Renaissance figures, including members of the Medici family, were baptized in this baptistry.

Italy, Florence: Florence’s Bell Tower

You can climb the 414 steps to the top of Giotto’s Bell Tower of the Cathedral Santa Maria del Fiore. The climb is worth the view. Hope the 7 bells aren’t ringing when you get up there.

Italy, Florence: Florence Through a Window

So many artistic vistas in Florence.

Italy, Florence: Overlooking the Red Roofs of Florence

You get a great view of the majestic Renaissance Filippo Brunelleschi -designed domed Florence Cathedral, the Duomo if you ascend one of the hills around it. The Gothic-styled Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore was begun in 1296 along with it’s Baptistery and Giotti’s Bell tower (Campanile). Ghiberti’s original Baptistery doors are in the museum (the ones outside are copies).

Brunelleschi was commissioned in 1418. The dome is egg-shaped and was accomplished without scaffolding. A balcony by Baccio d’Agnolo was added in 1507. Notice that only 1 of the eight sides was finished by 1515, when someone asked Michelangelo (whose artistic opinion was by this time taken as cardinal law), his thoughts of it. The master reportedly scoffed, “It looks like a cricket cage.” Work was immediately stopped, and to this day the other 7 sides remain only rough brick.

Italy, Florence: David Statue in Florence

This is one of the more famous copies of Michelangelo’s David statue. You don’t have to pay to go in to see it, it’s on top of a hill at Piazzale Michelangelo overlooking the town of Florence.

Italy, Florence: Sunset in Florence Italy

A sunset is amazing to watch no matter where you are in the world. But this one was Florence, Italy.


Italy, Venice: Canal Bridge in Venice

You’re never too young to go to Venice and enjoy the vistas on the bridges of the canals. Notice the lock attached to the ironwork. That’s the work of lovers who lock in their love on bridges.

Italy, Venice: Gondola Parking

Never thought about where you park your gondola when you are off work. Notice the other boats tucked along the buildings. Front doors are often on the canals.

Italy, Venice: Wide Venetian Canal

Not all the canals in Venice are narrow. Some are broad highways. See if you can find the tip of a gondola in this one.